
Simple people in a simple place…

December 22, 2019  |  Executive Director

God uses simple people to accomplish His awesome plan. So many sermons, devotionals and books have been written that speak to the undeniable fact that our amazing God uses the ordinary to accomplish the extraordinary. Scripture is full of examples that illustrate this dynamic. God chose a teenage shepherd boy to defeat a giant and eventually become king of His people. Jesus chose simple fishermen to be His disciples. Noah, Joseph, Moses, Nehemiah, Ruth, Mary-the list goes on and on of those who were living very “normal” lives and were used in unbelievable ways to accomplish God’s will.

Last Sunday, I was visiting a church and listened to a pastor give a great sermon about God using simple people. As I listened, I realized that God is doing exactly that at Wilderness Northwest. Those of us who are involved in the work of Wilderness Northwest are simple people. We love God and we try our best to be obedient to Him and to accomplish the mission that He has for WNW. And our camp itself is a simple place. We strive to provide comfortable accommodations for our guests, but we never want our buildings to overshadow the amazing beauty that God has displayed around us.

I love the fact that God uses simple people like us in a simple camp up the Duckabush valley to minister powerfully to His people. He gets all the glory, and we get to participate in His amazing plan!

Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas!